The Most Dangerous Attributes of (R) Robotics-Robots, (AI) Artificial Intelligence & (CA) Complete Automation
(RAICA (the acronym))
By Prof. Oscar J Realmsworth
RAICA! They each
enable comprehensive exclusion of millions of Humans to the money stream generated
by the automation they together augment as they merge into an exclusive Humanless
workforce in their own controlled management of “things and people” – a management
of powerful dictatorial absolutes of massive proportions where the majority of
Humans will have no say but to obey. All designed so far by humans but certainly
not for the benefit and riches of all humans – rather the income generated is
just for a very small group of exclusive fortunate ones, who all are empowered
by it to live above the law as we have seen by various Royal Commission in
Australia and elsewhere. In the fallout of the GFC it is also very clear there are
a number of individuals who have and so now, live above the law and that number
is growing around the world.
Humans are now
looking at “Social Engineering on a new, enormous,
far-reaching scale”, to date
unmeasured, due to its total possible comprehensiveness! RAICA up til now has
been used to enable a few human beings to become the richest humans ever to be living
on earth, having amassed mega billions of dollars of ever growing monetary
riches for themselves thanks to the self-generating funding nature created by
computer machines, software and their program developing algorithms. Billions of Humans are spending billions of
dollars on wraithlike computer driven cyber imagery and numerical digitations
all held in the ethereal “icloud”.
This ability
to reach millions of people without paying any one to join in to the controlled
environment but rather the other way around – “people pay to join in and keep paying or they’ll be outed” – is
indeed a modern day money machine of the highest order, delivering mega
millions of dollars to a few humans who could never earn them hourly, or daily or
yearly, or even in a number of decades, as to their personal value against time
as measured in an eight hour day and this for First World workers only. Third Worlders and others don’t get on
the chart!
Nor do they deserve the mega millions simply because they
are the end of the huge funnel of money flowing down to them merely because
they beat many to the start and quickly excluded and killed off the others
(competition) for their own good and the others evil!
The philosophy:
If you can touch the Human Heart, Humans will gladly give you their money –
without even thinking. Place a reward to stay, a threat or penalty for
withdrawing and Humans will give for life, often at great sacrifice such as sacrosanct personal privacy, for all to
plunder! Wow! What a funnel to have! There are many funnels in life. “Pretend
Love” is another great funnel that can capture the Human heart – “digital cyber
love” is another as is “fear or hate” – that’s what social media is all about.
Humans part with their treasure so
easily when touched at the heart of the matter they believe they must have, or
become, and will fight over it even when it means they will lose! Things of
value for most are very hard to qualify or define in a “World of Now” – I must
have it now! I don’t care what it costs!
if RAICA is initially augmented then continues to be set to serve Humanity,
Earth and Nature together as a whole, enabling all to partake in the huge
dividends and monetary profit – then it bodes well for all.
But if the massive profits continue
to be funnelled to the often single or exclusive corporate owners and their
families only, as so practiced to this day to the ongoing detriment of all
Humans, Earth and Nature, then it bodes extraordinarily evil times ahead of
unequalled earthly hell and torment for all, causing grievous social disruption
and bodily harm as Humans endeavour to push
back from the top vacuous greedy controlling moneyed few!
Automation will
eventually prevent access to money for the majority of Humans on earth unless
steps are taken to share the accumulated monetary proceeds. The funny thing is everyone
will still be required to spend money they no longer get in order to have
things such as food and water, use of roads and rail, participate in life, pay
bank fees and mortgages, rent, contribute to local government, the tax man, all
kinds of living expenses, services and utilities just to mention a few, all controlled
and run by RAICA – no Humans needed!
Earning Money for skills and services will indeed for most be a
social event of the past, as more and more humans are excluded from the workforce
and service sector by the growing automated machine high-tech AI & CA.
RAICA allows (and
indeed becomes the means of) very few Humans to amass vast amounts of revenue
and income, huge unparalleled fortunes, by creating extraordinarily high levels
of extreme profit just for themselves. Nonetheless, even the world’s top leaders
and executives will all eventually come under its income reversion and elimination
processes and so placed in the “No Longer Needed” file. It will only take “one
Human” to write the code they will not be able to undo once AI in its evolving
algorithmic ablution finds it, grabs it, and locks it in for life to ritually serve
itself best!
In the future
(this century), all executives and (eventually) board members, will also be non
Human AI-Computing Machines with all decisions and adjustments to changing
needs run by data analysed algorithmic computations 24/7. Just because you are
a CEO or of other executive types, or board members, directors etc., is now no
guarantee of your job/profession in the future being in human form with a paycheque
or other dividends!
Companies, Corporations, Businesses will be made up of “a very small collective” of Humans with different but necessary
contributions to oversee and control the automation and the AI to run
everything and everyone. E.g.
1. Those with
money will be the most important humans on earth in this new world.
2. Those with
computing technological skills will be next for security and policing of intent,
but will be the slaves of the people with the money or they will be removed.
3. Those with political power will be the unwanted
but necessary drones as lobbyists to push this RAICA new world to the “Human Masses”
on behalf of the “Moneyed Ones”.
4. Money will
be the “governing body corporate” and
its allocation decided by the need for self-perpetuation of the income stream
cycle. Human expertise will not be required due to its extreme narrow
mindedness. Algorithms will need to be
drawn from a far wider scope than presently found in the expertise of humans
regardless of all top standards or portals of learning.
5. Due to computer
digitisation of money via hidden and complicated source codes, spies and
counter spies will be required in-house; indeed it will be a necessity, in the
attempt to prevent ballooning human greed from secretly and surreptitiously
syphoning off fiduciary streams of various levels and amounts of money for
personal or another person’s benefits and other self-initiated spurious and
bogus human “Ponzi Greed Schemes”.
This means then
that for anything to survive it must have a circle or cycle of life much like
nature. This is because for example; there are businesses today that only need
a handful of humans to run worldwide enterprises due to automation, robots and
AI. This form of accumulating money for a privileged few must be stopped
immediately and the example of Nature used to share the riches, not just for
human survival, nor for the purpose of
only sustainability (as indispensable
as that is), but for the wealth of all
species so all may freely replenish and be in health – for everyone and everything!
It is now we
need to move the Capitalist’s myopia of keeping all the income revenue and
profit just for themselves (to the exclusion of all the humans they have removed
from the money stream – placed them in a “Moneyless Prison”, in order to gain
such massive amounts of money through what they call “Free Enterprise”), to both
income and profit sharing initiatives for all the people, so they can source
and pay for the goods and services now run by the Capitalists CA machines and
their AI.
These same Capitalist, who themselves
don’t work for a living, should stop pointing their fingers at the Humans
they’ve put on the dole in order to take their salaries, wages and meagre
weekly earnings for themselves through RAICA, all the while shouting at them to
“go get a job you lazy bastards” and
go to work themselves!
If RAICA is not here to serve: all Humans, all Species, all of Nature and Earth, and the
riches gained remain with the few at the end of these massively forming vacuous
tornado-like funnels of money – you need to take notice now – you won’t have an
earth to live on!
All the money left on Earth, when all
the living are dead and nature is gone, will not be enough for you to buy another
It is ever so much wiser and it will
never be less costly than now, to ensure everything we as Humans do, that the
rich (through no fault nor cause of their own making, except to take advantage
of the billions of other Humans to amass their riches), must now pour it back
into the mix of living Humans, Nature and Earth they got it all from. Humans
have less than 20 years to decide and do this and less than 50 to complete it.
Prof. Oscar J Realmsworth